Tak pozorně čtěte.
“Soaring from the Alaskan coastline to an impressive 18,008 feet (5,488 meters), Mount St. Elias’ massive vertical dwarfs even Mount Everest, which is only 11,428 feet (3,483 meters) from summit to base camp. Due to its remote location and notoriously heinous weather, it rarely makes media headlines. Its imposing mass is mostly obscured by clouds that roll in from the Pacific Ocean and rarely attempted. Just making the summit is a true test of endurance. Attempting to descend on skis, some would say, is utter madness.”

A nejel to nakonec náš Miki?
Se koukám na fotku z akce a je mi to jasné!
Miki, že taky nic neřekneš!

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